East Asia Regional Council of Schools
The EARCOS Triannual Journal


While much has been accomplished and learned over the past two years, and while there have been true achievements meriting celebration, the shift away from what was once a comfortable sense of normalcy has been profound, painful, and long for all international schools in our region. Many of our member schools have taken significant hits in enrollment that will take another several years from which to recover. Many have seen unsustainable faculty and leadership departures and have faced an entirely new landscape in recruitment.
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Edward E. Greene Ph.D.
Executive Director of EARCOS

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Featured in this Issue
Page 04
Cover Story: How Visionary Schools are Becoming Bully-free

By Nicholas Carlisle

These situations are typical of the bullying that educators across the region deal with on a daily basis. Teachers and school administrators use a combination of common sense and consequences to turn these students around. When nothing else seems to work, schools reach out to us at No Bully for help.

Page 10
Leading from the Middle: Give Your Team the Term Break They Deserve
By Michael Iannini

The Summer and Winter break, dependent on which hemisphere calendar your school is aligned with, is quickly approaching. These breaks will be incredibly important for reinvigorating you and your colleagues’ spirit and passion for teaching when school resumes.
Page 14
HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION: Teaching About, Through, and For Human Rights

By Nadia Kashem Kim, J.D., Ed.M. , Jared Rock, and Jessica B. Terbrueggen

The late former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, accurately defined education as “a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rest the cornerstones of freedom, democracy, and sustainable human development.”


Page 32
CURRICULUM: Language Arts and Science: Design Thinking Across Subjects
By Matthew Francis and Brian Benck

Creating a persuasive documentary highlighting both reasons and solutions for climate change around the world is a cross-curricular project that has been part of the Grade 8 Curriculum at Saigon South International School for the past five years.
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East Asia Regional Council of Schools(EARCOS)