To our membership and friends,

We had expected to offer a combined Leadership and Teachers’ Conference in Bangkok at the end of March. A recent survey of all of the Heads of our member schools led us to conclude that the March conference was simply no longer a viable option. Largely due to quarantine restrictions that would impede educators from traveling to and from the conference, as well as increasing uncertainties related to the Omicron variant, we had to conclude, sadly, that the March 2022 conference should be postponed.

The EARCOS Leadership Conference has been rescheduled for October 27 to October 29, 2022 in Bangkok. The EARCOS Teachers’ Conference has been rescheduled to March 23 to March 25, 2023 in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. Many of the top-flight presenters who had agreed to attend the March 2022 event have already committed to the rescheduled events. As you plan for the 2022-2023 school year, please save these two conference dates. We are so looking forward to welcoming you.

In the meantime, EARCOS will continue to offer a rich array of webinars to our members. Please visit our website for the lineup of planned events for the second half of the school year. These include a new course from Dr. Lee Ann Jung, a four-part seminar on Women in Leadership with Dr. Fran Prolman, workshops on assessment in mathematics with Erma Anderson, leadership and governance presentations, sessions on creating a data-driven culture, with Dr. Shabbi Luthra, and a collection of webinars delivered by teachers and administrators from schools across our region.

We wish you continued strength as you work to promote world class teaching and learning in your schools during these challenging times. We are here to support you and your students in the vital work you do each and every day. Please be in touch.

With all best wishes for a great start to the New Year from the EARCOS Staff and Board of Trustees,


Edward E. Greene, Ph.D.
Executive Director

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