During the 2019 ELC, Dr. Chris Jansen conducted a pre-conference workshop designed to examine the current EARCOS Leadership Mentoring (ELM), with an eye toward streamlining the program. Twenty participants engaged in activities and discussion around the positives and negatives of the existing program. The resulting suggestions have been incorporated into a revamped process with less focus on the training modules, which seemed to create a time burden on those interested in participating in the program.
Since 2020, the revised EARCOS Leadership Mentoring (ELM) program has been growing, with over 100 school heads, principals, learning leaders and activities/athletics directors, involved in 45 mentoring and peer-to-peer relationships. Details of the program can be found in the revised ELM Handbook. https://tinyurl.com/swetfxw
Those interested in joining the program as mentors or mentees are invited to complete the registration and preference ELM questionnaire. Registration for the program is ongoing at
An online platform, using Basecamp, exclusively for use by ELM members, has been established as a site for posting resource articles and videos and for communication among members. Upon registering you will receive an invitation to join.
Once paired, the mentor and mentee will be asked to develop and sign an agreement outlining their commitment with respect to time, confidentiality, and opt out mechanism. This agreement will remain confidential with the matched pair. Participants will also be asked to sign a mentoring contract with EARCOS.
Any queries please contact Bill Oldread boldread@earcos.org or Chris Jansen chris@leadershiplab.co.nz