Make a Lasting Impression

We ensure your company's name will ring out throughout the conference and be remembered.






Conference Sponsorship

As a conference sponsor, you are recognized as a major contributor to the conference. Highlights include prominent displays throughout the conference, listing on the conference app and website, banner recognition, acknowledgement by the conference conveners at the opening and closing of the conference, acknowledgement on social media and powerpoint slide or LED screen—all ensuring ensures your company's name will ring out throughout the conference and be remembered by all in attendance.

Conference Exhibitor

As a Conference Exhibitor you are afforded an economical means to stand out from the crowd. Exhibitors have a personal booth to distribute marketing materials accompanied by a large banner bearing the company logo. Your company logo and short profile will appear in the official conference app and conference program distributed to all in attendance.


As a Conference Advertiser your company logo and short profile will appear in the official conference app and conference program distributed to all in attendance. This is your chance to showcase what your company is doing differently from other associate institutions by placing a full page ad. Your contribution to our Conference Program can highlight your organization's activities and programs, and promote your business or a specific program.

Make a Lasting Impression

Speaker Sponsorship

3 opportunities available
$ 6,180 USD


2 opportunities available
$ 7,210 USD

Tea & Coffee Breaks

5 opportunities available
$ 2,215 USD

  Sponsor now!

Leadership Conference
October 23-26, 2024

Teachers' Conference
March 19-22, 2025
Sponsor now!

Leadership Conference
October 23-26, 2024

Teachers' Conference
March 19-22, 2025
Sponsor now!

Leadership Conference
October 23-26, 2024

Teachers' Conference
March 19-22, 2025
Speaking opportunityCompany representative will introduce the keynote speaker of the day.
Media materials and displayLogo on conference website, conference app, social media, and powerpoint slide or LED screen.
(on the day of sponsorship)
Acknowledgement Acknowledgement by the conference conveners at the opening and closing of the conference.
Acknowledgement Acknowledgement a powerpoint slide to be shown or LED screen to all plenary sessions.
(on the day of sponsorship)
BannerEach sponsor will have a large prominently displayed banner in the grand ballroom of the hotel.
Other sponsorship Conference pens $ 2,575 USD      


For more information about sponsorships please email Edzel Drilo at

Advertise in the EARCOS Triannual Journal

We would like to invite you to extend your commitment to EARCOS as well as offering you more exposure by asking if you would like to advertise your product or service in ET Journal. Please be aware that the price is discounted by 10% should you advertise in three issues of the ET.

Your contribution to our ET Journal can highlight your organization's activities and programs, and promote your business or a specific program

Place your Ad in our next issue of the ET Journal. Click here

Advertise in the EARCOS Directory

The EARCOS Member Directory sits on the desks of all administrators and many counselors and curriculum directors in all EARCOS schools. As you might know, EARCOS has grown to 216 member schools representing 20,749 staff and 180,962 students. (It should be noted that these are the latest numbers.) This is a great opportunity for all of our associate members. You will be assisting our schools and, hopefully, enhancing your organizational missions.

Please contact us if you are interested in these opportunities to put your organization's name in front of more people. This is a first-come, first-served offer only.

Place your Ad in 2024-2025 Directory.
Click here