We are pleased to announce the 18th annual EARCOS Teachers' Conference (ETC2023) in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia scheduled for March 21-25, 2023. We have a host of excellent keynote speakers and dynamic workshop presenters.
This annual conference focuses on strategies, tools and best practices that engage students across the region. Attendees always return to their home schools with a basket of new ideas and opportunities to introduce to their classrooms. The opportunities build upon professional networks and to enjoy camaraderie have made this conference a ‘must’ with educators from the EARCOS region.
About This Event
EARCOS Teachers’ Conference(ETC) is organized around curriculum strands math, science, global issues, service learning, etc. All curriculum areas are addressed during a planned three-year rotation schedule.
Keynote & Workshop Presenters
The ETC has always have three excellent keynote presenters. We have lots of preconference offerings and over 120 workshop sessions, all geared to meet the needs of our member schools. EARCOS is fortunate to have so many of our own school teachers who have volunteered to present workshops.
Past ETC held at The International School Bangkok
Theme: "Future Mover & Makers"
Strands: PE, Arts, and Technology
For more information about the teachers' conference please email Giselle Sison, ETC Program Coordinator at gsison@earcos.org.