Teacher Representative Materials

Selecting a teacher representative: It is up to each school to decide how to choose the ETC teacher rep. In some schools, he or she is elected-in others it is by appointment or on a volunteer basis. The EARCOS office will communicate with only one TR from each school, although some of the bigger schools may need two or more to assist with in-house responsibilities associated with workshop proposals, conference registrations, group airline reservations, etc. Schools should ensure that the designated TR is a teacher who plans to attend ETC in March. It is very important that teacher reps correspond with the EARCOS office (usually via email) and that they respond to messages from EARCOS regarding the conference.

Teacher Worshop Proposal Form

If you are interested in presenting at the ETC 2024 EARCOS Conference, please complete and download the Teacher Workshop Proposal Form and submit this form to your EARCOS teacher rep by his/her deadline. It must be in the EARCOS office by November 14, 2023.

Download Proposal Form

Guidelines for EARCOS Teacher Representatives

This Handbook is intended to assist Teacher Representatives with the work they are expected to perform on behalf of the teachers they represent. There is a Calendar of suggested considerations, which is provided for you in order that you can efficiently and effectively address your monthly “duties”.

Handbook of Guidelines Download

Job-ALike for ETC

Job-Alikes are a very important feature of the EARCOS Teachers’ Conference. They provide an opportunity for educators in similar positions to share their perspectives on practices and issues faced by international teachers in their pursuit of excellence.

  Download Job-Alike Guidelines


For more information about ETC conference please email info@earcos.org

Past ETC held at The International School Bangkok

Theme: "Future Mover & Makers"
Strands: PE, Arts, and Technology